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Can you explain a little more about how your resourcing works?

Sure. Basically, my nervous system is extremely sensitive. It's made life somewhat complicated for me, as I'm sensitive to everything from the sun to Wifi and cell phones, but over time, I found that this sensitivity could be applied in a very useful direction. Every person has what I call a “Resonance ID,” which is like an energetic fingerprint, and it allows me to access an incredible amount of information. Over many years of practice, I found I could direct the focus of my nervous system's sensitivity to this "energetic space" of a person's body or likeness, and then I could "communicate" with it and measure all kinds of things going on inside it. Once I'm "locked into" a client's resonance, I can touch my fingers together and literally feel positive and negative impulses to the "frequencies" of the questions I'm asking (every idea, question, or index has what I call a "Concept Frequency"). It may seem strange that I can do these sessions remotely, but when you hear a person’s voice on the phone, that’s one frequency range of energy, and my nervous system can pick up on other, less obvious, ranges. It's very helpful to me, too, as this technique allows me to maintain some distance without "taking on" other people's "stuff," which can be an issue with classic forms of medical intuition. My colleagues and I have discussed the possibility that the resourcing technique might also allow me to communicate with a person's "spirit guides" or "guardian angels," which may very well be the case; oftentimes, in combination with my own vibrational and clairsentient inclinations, the information I access during a session seems a lot more "directed" than if I were just reading the body's energy.

And you need a person on the phone to find the Resonance ID?

No, not always. If I’ve known someone for a while, I can find it without talking to them, kind of like you can remember a person’s voice or their face. I can also find it by looking at a photo and often resource information this way for children who are too young to work with me directly.

Can you comment on the concept of Ascension?

"Ascension" can refer to a number of things, but in the case of my practice, we're talking about the regeneration of the body to "carry" a higher vibration (as reflected in the Millivolt Index). My goal is to help clients move through this process smoothly, and as comfortably as possible. The body and mind can do a lot of wacky things as a person ascends; these experiences are sometimes referred to as "ascension symptoms," and if the body isn't cooperating (usually because it doesn't have the nutritional constituents necessary to support the process, and/or the individual has a lot of emotional resistance), energy can get "stuck" in a kind of feedback loop or "broken record" pattern. The result can be uncomfortable, unpleasant, and often frightening. Even when the energy isn't "stuck," people can still present with flare-ups that are intense and alarming for the unprepared. Unfortunately, our culture is not very aware of this phenomenon, and suppression is extremely unhelpful. When Ascension begins, people will often think they're going insane or dying of some terrible disease, but all it takes is a little understanding and the right nutritional protocol to support the transition. I spend a lot of time educating my clients on the various stages and elements of Ascension so they can experience the changes with excitement and gratitude instead of fear and resistance.

What causes people to enter into the process of Ascension?

Well, we're not really sure. Sometimes it begins spontaneously, but oftentimes, trauma or extreme stress seem to be a factor, be it emotional or physical in nature—any "shock" to a person's reality, nervous system, and "comfort zone" can really get things moving. There also seem to be variables present in the state of the world, and even the universe, that are contributing as well. When Ascension begins, it's almost like a person's energetic or "light body" starts to reformat itself, but given the low state of most people's health in our society today, the physical body can't easily keep up and so it begins to blip or malfunction with the changes.

Some people would consider what you do “being a psychic.” What are your thoughts on that label?

I guess it depends on what the word “psychic” means. My resourcing abilities come from an extreme sensitivity of my nervous system to energy of all kinds. It allows me to feel things that most people can’t; at least, not as consciously, but it’s a function of quantum mechanics. It’s not as “magical” or supernatural as it may seem. I’m very vibrationally sensitive, which sometimes seems “psychic” to the people around me, but I think it’s more about just being aware of things that usually go unnoticed. Perhaps that’s all any “psychic ability” really is, anyway.

When did you discover you had these intuitive abilities?

I was a very empathic child, probably due to genetics, but I was also in several bad accidents that left me with neurological injuries; this made me hypersensitive to everything, and I started becoming aware of things I couldn’t really understand. When I was a teenager, one evening I was in my bedroom, playing music loudly and doing homework. I suddenly became stricken with panic; I didn’t know what I was sensing, but I knew where it was. I ran across the house, down the stairs and out the door, into the darkness and across our property, directly to some bushes where a baby goat my family had raised had been attacked by a coyote and was bleeding to death. He wasn’t making noise, so I didn’t hear anything, but I could sense the vibration of his distress. From that point on, it became very clear I had some kind of heightened sensory perception, and as an adult I’ve learned how to use the sensitivity to help people in some pretty unique ways.

What would you say are some of the main benefits of working with you?

There are so many different opinions on what we should and shouldn’t be eating, and the real answers are so individual. So many of the studies take certain variables out of context, and the body is very synergistic in how it operates. There are some commonalities, across the board, for everyone, but most of the information that I access during a session is completely unique to the client. Getting answers based on their bodies alone can be a huge relief and simplification for a lot of people.

The focus of the resourcing process is to get people living their lives to the fullest—not to have them hiding at home and eating a perfect diet. Strict adherence to the protocol is usually required for awhile, for optimal results, as the body heals and detoxifies, but ultimately we want to be actively out in the world, and the world certainly doesn’t offer perfection under most circumstances. After a session with me, a client knows their baselines and “yes foods,” which can help in making better choices for the maintenance of healthy vitality. Some of my clients will eat “off protocol” occasionally, once they’re feeling great and their symptoms have cleared; sometimes they won’t feel so great afterward, but the important part is that they know why and they also know how to get back on track. Sometimes I think there needs to be somewhat of an emotional shift, from “living to eat” to “eating to live,” but most of my clients find they feel so good on their protocol they don’t really miss the way they used to eat. Many of the people I’ve worked with say that the information I’ve given them has been less restrictive than most of the other regimens they’ve tried.

A lot of people talk about elimination diets and food sensitivity tests like the ALCAT. Can you comment on why working with you might yield more favorable results?

Well, elimination diets can be very extreme. There’s no need to eliminate a food if it’s not a problem for you, and this is something the resourcing process can identify. Also, the body needs lots of energy to heal from a state of imbalance. Oftentimes, a standard elimination diet will remove irritating foods, but it won’t leave a person with enough to eat to fuel the healing process. I’ve seen this problem a lot with people who have tried the ALCAT testing. They’re left with lettuce and chicken as their Green-Light Foods! The problem I’ve found with the ALCAT system seems to relate to how the body can become sensitive to all kinds of foods when there is inflammation in the lining of the digestive system. ALCAT may identify 25 problems, based on the antibodies, when really there are only 5 causing irritation. Identifying only the real, underlying issues means more options to fuel any healing experience.

You mentioned some commonalities across the board for everyone. Can you comment on those?

Sure. Generally speaking, I always get negative impulses to coffee, for everyone. I know it’s a tradition in our culture, but it can be very irritating in spite of some of the good things it has in it. Also, coffee tends to be an artificial energy source that people use as a crutch to keep themselves going when their bodies are screaming, “Red alert! Systems are failing here!”

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my work, it’s that just because a food may have some beneficial elements, it doesn’t mean those attributes outweigh its negative effects. The same goes for most nuts. Raw almonds are great for a lot of people, but most other nuts give me negative impulses, for everyone: pecans, walnuts, cashews, American peanuts (as opposed to the Jungle Heirloom variety, which are great for a lot of people.) Some people do well with macadamias and hazelnuts, and I’m also a big advocate of raw pumpkin seeds.

Does that mean that people should never eat nuts or drink coffee, ever?

I usually tell people that if they’re feeling great for awhile and they really want to add in a “no food,” to do so one at a time and witness any changes. Even that can be tricky, though, because sometimes a reaction to a food can take a bit of time to surface. Sometimes people will reintroduce something and seem to do fine with it for a few days, so they make it a daily staple again, and weeks down the road the consequences become more apparent. I usually recommend that people stick to their “yes foods” as the foundation of their diets and leave the “no foods” for special occasions or once in awhile.

What’s the most important thing for your clients to consider regarding their work with you?

I’d have to say that would be the phenomenon of the “healing reaction.” I do a lot of coaching for my clients on that topic. Healing reactions can be difficult for people in our culture who think that feeling worse means they’re getting worse. A lot of people have past emotions or traumatic experiences that they don’t want to face again, but it can be the unprocessed residues of those very incidences that are keeping them from living the lives they really want to live. Some healing reactions can be extreme. Last year, I retraced an event that occurred when I was in high school and my finger got crushed in a weight machine. It was very alarming; I was sitting at my desk, and suddenly my finger got bright red, started throbbing, and was stricken with searing pain. It lasted about 3 days. At first I couldn’t figure out what I had done to injure it, but a few hours later I started having vivid flashbacks, and then I fully realized what was going on. That example is pretty extreme, but I always recommend people have a patient friend on speed dial or a therapist to talk to, especially if there’s any major history of emotional trauma.

I’ve noticed that you keep a low profile, as there are no pictures of you on the website. Even when Billboard named you one of the “Top Medical Intuits Stars Swear By,” there weren’t any pictures of you in the article. I found that kind of surprising given how young and healthy you look, as I think that would only further promote the service you provide. Are there any reasons for the anonymity?

That’s a very good question! And thank you for the compliment. Yes, I’ve definitely been keeping a low profile. The main reason for that has been because any sort of fame comes with a significant amount of quantum energetic bombardment. Basically, when a lot of people know who you are, say, more than your average number of family members, friends and coworkers, you'll have a great deal of energy coming at you, which can be very stressful. This phenomenon is a major part of why you see so many celebrities age rapidly, get kind of "weird" or develop problems with addictions after rising to success; people often think that being in the limelight is glamorous, but it can be very difficult due to the energetic receptivity of the human body. It’s not that I’d be a "celebrity" if I had a more visual presence, but it would certainly require me to buffer a lot more energy than I have been. Billboard did request a photo, which was certainly an honor, but I wasn't really ready for that level of exposure at the time. I'm definitely not opposed to being more visible in the future, when the time is right. I do understand people wanting to see who they’re talking to and trusting with their health, so I intend to post a picture at some point. In the meantime, I’m hoping that the podcasts I'll be doing soon will help people get to know me more personally.

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